Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Michael Grant and Gone

Have you heard of Michael Grant? What about his series, Gone? My students have been talking to me about this book and this series saying "It's the new Twilight and Hunger Games." So of course I had to look into this... I found Michael Grant on Twitter and his website... Take a minute and click the link below. Read what he has to say about his series Gone. Two small paragraphs, but he had me laughing!

Michael Grant

From what I've read this looks like a great series. If you've read I Am Number Four, this book comes recommended. Let me know if you've heard of this series, or if you read it... what are your thoughts!?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jordan Sonnenblick

Just finished reading Notes From the Midnight Driver by Jordan Sonnenblick. Jordan will be the visiting author for my students this year. I wanted to be able to say I have read one of his books because I know my students will be asking. Our school librarian recommended this one. I usually prefer to read my favorite genre of YA paranormal romance and have had this book in my pile since June. I finally picked it up during SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) in one of my classes last week. I found myself literally laughing out loud by chapter 2 and realized I was hooked! I finished this book in just a few sittings. It was a short, easy read with a very sweet story.

I, of course, love twists in stories and even this one surprised me with one at the end. I really enjoyed reading this book and loved the characters Sol and Alex. Jordan did such a great job of creating two main characters that every reader immediately relates with.

I am looking forward to Jordan's visit to our school and hearing him speak to our students about his success as a YA author.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Team Ren or Team Shay? I'm not too sure!

I finished Nightshade in a matter of days! (Sorry it's taken me so long to write about it.) Angela Cremer pulled me in so quickly. I found myself not even wanting to cook supper at night because I didn't want to have to put the book down! The differences in the relationships between Calla and Ren and Calla and Shay were so well written. I will admit, I did not like Shay at first. He was just way too nosy! I didn't understand why Calla kept thinking about him. But boy, he grows on you!

I appreciated the new view of werewolves in this book. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE YA Paranormal, but it was time to let the werewolves shine and not be fighting vampires. In Nightshade, the werewolves are protectors. Calla and Ren have known their whole lives they will be paired and the starters of a new pack. The chemistry between them is very evident, even though they are from rival families.

Angela definitely left me wanting more. The end is a twisty cliffhanger, so beware of that! I'm not 100% sure if I'm happy with Calla's choice at the end, but I do think you should read it and decide for yourself.